Friday 11 February 2011

1.3- A personal critical response to the film "Paranormal Activity 2"

Film review- Paranormal Activity 2

As low budget movies go, Paranormal Activity 2 is a good film. Infact the lack of HD cameras and amazing sound effects adds to the spooky and intense effect which film has such a good reputaion for creating.
After such success with the first film, Paramount Productions did it again with the follow-up; which in actual fact, holds the story line to what happens before the first film.

After I finally had the guts to go and buy my ticket for the scary film that everyone had been talking about, my anxitety had already made me a nevous reck. Taking our seats, we realised it was to late to go back-this was going to be one crazy cinema vist.

The movie is recorded opposed to filmed, as CCTV style cameras are used and home video devices are put to good, effective use. Even from the very beginning of the film, the characters often use a video recorder as a home diary style, recording footage of the new home they have just moved into, the family dog; Abby and the new addition to the family, a baby boy called Hunter.

After a while of the home-made video style recording, I started to get abit bored of it to be honest. I thought ok, I’ve come to see a scary film, why am I not being frightened as much as I was while watching the trailer.
However, this is probably the effect producer’s Oren Peli, Jason Blum and Akiva Goldsman were trying to create. Making the audience feel relaxed before introducing the demon into the household in the end, gave a bigger impact. Although the film wasn’t scary at the beginning, the audience was still nervous as it had an eerie atmosphere to it. However, towards the end of the film, the cinema was constantly being shocked and scared with unpredicted actions and noises; this part of the film really made up for the beginning- that audience was defiantly not being disappointed!

In the film, the demon is never seen, as well as this creating effect and playing with the audiences’ imagination, it also gives the element of mystery, helplessness and also anxiety.
At the end of the movie, an unexpected and dramatic conclusion is made. Much drama and chaos is portrayed equalling in a nervous and suspense audience. The ending created in this film seems to be a explanation for the storyline of the first Paranormal Activity film. I think this generates more interest form the viewers and also in a way re-launches the first film.

The film is said to have been based on a true story and, the movie itself does have aspects of real life in it (also making the film even scarier!). However, after about midway, when the spooky events start happening in the household, the acting becomes more ‘forced’ and my mind is put to ease that this isn’t real life and it is only a movie; as for the storyline, I guess we’ll never know…

Overall, I think that this film was very good after the tedious beginning. The good, simple use of sound and visual effects added to the atmosphere and made a scary film a horror movie! The characters acted well and the storyline wasn’t too far fetched and was even believable at some parts.

I rate this film 7/10…..after all, the full cinema left with husky voices and shaky hands! A highly recommended movie!

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