Friday, 4 February 2011

Monitoring log 2


• My strengths are that I have almost finished the information leaflet to a good standard. I have spent time designing drafts and developing my ideas on Photoshop after each stage.
• I have also brushed up on my Photoshop skills as a result of designing my leaflet on this programme. It hasn’t been too difficult
as I had already learnt the basics from previous units.
• I am now uploading the work I have been doing onto Blogger, ready to be drafted, checked and finally marked and graded. This is a positive step because it means I am ready to move on to the next step in this unit.

Weaknesses :

• My weaknesses are that I still need to finish my leaflet as I have still got the back cover to do. I am about one lesson behind on this so I should be able to catch up quickly.
• Another weakness is that I need to do more research into jobs within the creative and media industry, as this needs to be uploaded onto Blogger. However, I have started this, so its just a fact of getting it finished and uploaded.
• One more weakness is that I am still not working quick enough. I need to keep on top of the work set to avoid a build up of unfinished work. With a high input of time and effort this is defiantly achievable.


• Improvements I have made are that I am slowly catching up on work and keeping on top of tasks set. If I carry this on then I will be on top of all my work quickly.
• I have been working faster on tasks, although it means that it is rushed and not to such a great standard as before. However this doesn’t matter as when I upload documents onto Blogger, I re-read my work and improve on what I feel isn’t so good.
• Improvements I should make are that more work should be completed at home. This is something I will do more of when school subjects become less intense.

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