Tuesday, 24 May 2011


I feel that I have completed this unit to a good standard as I have finished all research that had to be carried out and I have also produced a good information leaflet using Adobe Photoshop. I think that the project went well as the client was pleased with my outcome as they liked the use of iconic imagery I used throughout the leaflet. They also said that the leaflet I produced was informative and fitted the brief very well.

Another reason I feel that this unit has gone well is because I stuck to tight deadline’s and had all of the coursework in on time.
To improve my work, I needed to conduct better time management as this would have helped me to produce my work to a better, more professional standard. However, at times this was difficult to carry out as I had other coursework deadlines due to additionally studying GCSE’s.

I feel that the final outcome was successful as I used good imagery, typography and use of colour. I feel that it was appealing to the target audience as it is easy to read and understand as well as being visually interesting and incising to many sectors of the public.

From this unit, I have developed my Photoshop skills further and believe that I have made good progress in my writing and designing skills.
I have also become more aware of the creative and media sector in London and am also now more attentive of the many different job roles and activities there are. This is due to my research and evaluating I have carried out during this unit.

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